

Configures an App for a specific Environment.

Usage: mvn boxfuse:cfg

> mvn boxfuse:cfg -Dboxfuse.env=test -Dboxfuse.subnets=subnet-abcd1234,subnet-efgh5678

Configuring hello in test ...
Successfully configured hello in test


Plugin Parameter Maven/System property Default Description
user boxfuse.user Required - Your CloudCaptain Client user. Also configurable via the BOXFUSE_USER environment variable or the Maven settings.xml
secret boxfuse.secret Required - Your CloudCaptain Client secret. Also configurable via the BOXFUSE_SECRET environment variable or the Maven settings.xml
serverid boxfuse.serverid boxfuse The id of the server in the Maven settings.xml file to load the credentials from.

This is an alternative to passing the credentials in directly through properties.
app The name of the application
env boxfuse.env dev Use the AWS test or prod environments instead of the local dev one
domain boxfuse.domain auto

AWS only

The custom domain to use for this application in the specified environment. auto to let CloudCaptain automatically create a new subdomain for you.
elasticip boxfuse.elasticip auto

single-instance apps on AWS only

The AWS Elastic IP to use when deploying this application in the specified environment. auto to let CloudCaptain automatically create a new Elastic IP for you.
elb boxfuse.elb auto

load-balanced apps on AWS only

The name of the AWS ELB to use when deploying this application in the specified environment. auto to let CloudCaptain automatically create a new ELB for you.
securitygroup boxfuse.securitygroup auto

AWS only

The id of the AWS security group to use in the specified environment. auto will auto-create a new security group based on the configured ports.
instanceprofile boxfuse.instanceprofile none

AWS only

The ARN of the AWS instance profile to use in the specified environment. This is only for apps using the AWS API. The value none unsets any instance profile.
subnets boxfuse.subnets auto

AWS only

The AWS subnets to deploy to in the specified environment. AWS supports maximum one subnet per availability zone. auto to let AWS automatically select the subnet(s).
tags boxfuse.tags.key

AWS only

The custom tags to apply to AWS resources in addition to the default CloudCaptain ones.
targetgroup boxfuse.targetgroup auto

load-balanced-https apps on AWS only

The name of the AWS Target Group to use when deploying this application in the specified environment. auto to let CloudCaptain automatically create a new ALB and Target Group for you.

Sample Configuration

        <my-tag>My Value</my-tag>
