
Sometimes you need to understand exactly what's going on inside your instances. CloudCaptain makes it trivial to remotely debug your apps, regardless of whether they run on VirtualBox or AWS.

Enabling remote debugging

To enable remote debugging simply fuse or run your image with -debug. This will open an additional port to which your debugger can connect. As the JVM and Node.js debugging protocols don't have any authentication, by default this port is restricted to only allow connections from the IP address of your local machine.

When you launch an instance of an image set up for remote debugging you should see a message like this:

> boxfuse run myapp.jar -debug


Ready to accept remote debugger connections -> tcp://

Configuring the debug port

You can configure both the port number as well as the restrictions by manually specifying -ports.debug=... when fusing or running your image. You can use any of the usual formats for defining the port. Just remember that the protocol must be tcp and that you of course should be able to access it.

Connecting from your IDE

You can then simply connect the debugger of your favorite IDE to that address:

JVM apps

And now simply add breakpoints, step through the code, and evaluate expressions as you normally would.

Tip: If you need to debug an application startup issue, you can add -debug.wait to make the app wait for a remote debugger connection before starting up.

Node.js apps

And now simply add breakpoints, step through the code, and evaluate expressions as you normally would.
