Get Started with CloudCaptain



Welcome to CloudCaptain, Immutable Infrastructure made easy.

CloudCaptain is the easiest, most reliable and secure way to run your JVM, Node.js and Go apps on AWS.

In just a few seconds CloudCaptain fuses a Payload, like a Spring Boot Executable Jar, JHipster Executable War, Grails Executable Jar, Dropwizard Executable Jar, Play Dist Zip, Tomcat War file, TomEE War file, Jar file, Node.js tgz, ELF64 Binary or a Revel tgz together with the required Components, like Tomcat, OpenJDK or Node.js into an Image we call a Bootable App.

CloudCaptain then runs this Image unchanged on all environments, giving you perfect environment parity from Dev on VirtualBox to Prod on AWS. This can be done either via the Command-line client, the Maven Plugin or the Gradle Plugin.

Before you begin

If you haven't already, start by reading

Getting started

Select the framework or platform of your choice to follow a quick tutorial to get you up and running in 5 minutes: