

CloudCaptain is the easiest, most reliable and secure way to run your JVM, Node.js and Go apps on AWS.

CloudCaptain has been designed from day one to be easy to setup and simple to master. It strongly favors simplicity and convention over configuration and it has also been built from the ground up for continuous delivery.

CloudCaptain is based on three core principles:

  1. Immutable Infrastructure: Creating servers and never modifying them again by treating a server as one immutable unit that is regenerated after every change and promoted unchanged from environment to environment to eliminate drift and increase reliability by ensuring you run the exact same code in production as the one you tested in test.
  2. Minimal Images: Analysing your application and generating minimal tailor-made Linux-based images on the fly that are 100x smaller than a typical Linux system and take just seconds to produce.
  3. Blue/Green Deployments: Deploying a new version of an app in parallel to the existing one and only making the switch at the elastic IP or elastic load balancer level once the configured health checks of the new version have passed. Deployments are fully automated and effectively transactional, providing you with zero-downtime updates.

CloudCaptain comes with powerful integration for Go (ELF64 Binaries), Revel, Node.js, Spring Boot, JHipster, Grails, Dropwizard, Play, Tomcat, TomEE and executable jar applications.

CloudCaptain fuses your application into a minimal image and runs it unchanged on all environments, from dev on VirtualBox to prod on AWS. This can be done either via the Command-line client for Windows/Mac OSX/Linux, or the Maven and Gradle Plugin for direct integration in your CI/CD process.

CloudCaptain is made with in München.

Enjoy deploying effortlessly and get started today!