Add Custom Tags to your AWS Resources

AWS lets you associate useful metadata with your provisioned resources in the form of tags. By default CloudCaptain uses this to consistently tag your AMIs, EBS snapshots, EBS volumes, ELBs, Instances, Auto Scaling Groups, Launch Configurations, RDS databases, RDS snapshots and more.

CloudCaptain does so using a combination of the following tags:

AWS Tag Name Description Example
boxfuse:env The CloudCaptain environment prod
boxfuse:app The CloudCaptain application myuser/myapp
boxfuse:image The CloudCaptain image myuser/myapp:1.2.3
Name (For EC2 instances only) The CloudCaptain image and environment boxfuse myuser/myapp:1.2.3@prod

Introducing Dead-Easy Custom Tags

In addition to the standard tags automatically created by CloudCaptain you can now also specify one or more custom tags that should be applied to all created AWS resources that CloudCaptain creates.

Typical Uses

Being able to add custom tags is particularly useful in a number of scenarios:

  • Cost allocation in your monthly AWS bill
  • Creating Resource Groups in the AWS Console
  • Automatic use of spot instances with AutoSpotting

And much more!

How it works

For each app in each environment you can now define a set of custom tags that should be added in addition to the existing CloudCaptain ones. To achieve this you can either use the CloudCaptain Console:

AWS Console

Or if you prefer you can also simply use the CloudCaptain client:

> boxfuse cfg myapp -env=prod

And that’s it! All new AWS resources CloudCaptain now provisions in the prod environment for myapp will now receive these two custom tags in additional to the standard CloudCaptain ones.

Available today

The CloudCaptain support for custom tags is available today at no additional charge on all paid plans. Enjoy!

So if you haven’t already, sign up for your CloudCaptain account now (simply log in with your GitHub id, it’s free), start deploying your application effortlessly to AWS today and have it running with custom tags in minutes.

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