Expanding fast AMI creation to us-west-2

When we first launched CloudCaptain we immediately introduced support for all AWS regions, but only one of them was optimized for AMI creation speed (eu-central-1).

As CloudCaptain usage grew, we expanded our fast AMI creation capabilities to us-east-1 and eu-west-1 to meet customer demand.

So why is it important to have a region optimized for speed?

We'll let the numbers speak for themselves:

CloudCaptain vs Packer AMI creation speed

As you can see even though even the slowest CloudCaptain regions are already faster than Packer, moving to a CloudCaptain optimised region gives you a major boost, bringing AMI creation to about 30 seconds, which is an order of magnitude faster than most other tools in the industry.

Expanding fast AMI creation to us-west-2

Starting today, you can now also enjoy the same ultra-fast AMI creation performance in the us-west-2 region. No need to change anything on your end. Simply fire up your CloudCaptain Client and start enjoying the ultra-fast performance now:

> boxfuse run hello -env=prod

Creating myuser/hello ...
Pushing myuser/hello:1.0 ...
Verifying myuser/hello:1.0 ...
Waiting for AWS to create an AMI for myuser/hello:1.0 in us-west-2 (this may take up to 50 seconds) ...
AMI created in 00:32.692s in us-west-2 -> ami-fd213e9c
Creating Elastic IP ...
Mapping hello-myuser.boxfuse.io to ...
Creating security group boxsg-myuser-hello-1.0 ...
Launching t2.micro instance of myuser/hello:1.0 (ami-fd213e9c) in prod (us-west-2) ...
Instance launched in 00:27.148s -> i-413c4698
Waiting for AWS to boot Instance i-413c4698 and Payload to start at ...
Payload started in 00:33.618s ->
Remapping Elastic IP to i-413c4698 ...
Waiting 15s for AWS to complete Elastic IP Zero Downtime transition ...
Deployment completed successfully. myuser/hello:1.0 is up and running at https://hello-myuser.boxfuse.io/

As CloudCaptain expands its footprint, further regions will be optimized for fast deployment. The order will be based on based on customer usage and demand. This does not affect the runtime speed of your instance, which is determined by the instance type you selected.


We have taken CloudCaptain's ultra-fast AMI creation capabilities in the eu-central-1, us-east-1 and eu-west-1 regions and expanded them to the us-west-2 region. No change is necessary on your end. Simply use CloudCaptain to create AMIs and deploy applications as you always do and automatically start enjoying the absolute fastest way to create AMIs today.

Have fun and keep on deploying JVM applications to AWS with ease and pleasure!

And if you haven't already, sign up for your CloudCaptain account now. All you need is a GitHub user and you'll be up and running in no time. The CloudCaptain free plan aligns perfectly with the AWS free tier, so you can deploy your JVM application to EC2 completely free.

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