Immutable Infrastructure Talk at DevNexus 2015

This year has seen plenty of CloudCaptain events and we have plenty more coming up!

Today we are happy to share with you the recording of the highly acclaimed DevNexus 2015 talk about Immutable Infrastructure and CloudCaptain by Axel Fontaine, founder and CEO of CloudCaptain.

What attendees had to say about it

So if you weren't there, regardless of whether you are new to Immutable Infrastructure and CloudCaptain or if you are already on board and what to check out some best practices, follow this attendee's advice:

Video recording of the talk


Try it now

Have fun! And if you haven't already, sign up for your CloudCaptain account now. CloudCaptain intelligently analyses your application and generates minimal images in seconds. There is no general purpose operating system and no tedious provisioning. CloudCaptain images are lean, secure and efficient. You can run them on VirtualBox for development and deploy them unchanged and with zero downtime on AWS for test and production. All you need is a GitHub user and you'll be up and running in no time. The CloudCaptain free plan aligns perfectly with the AWS free tier, so you can deploy your application to EC2 completely free.

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